Listen UP: Mizter Okyere, Yaa Pono will make you rethink life with “Vanity”

Mizter Okyere, Yaa Pono - Vanity
Mizter Okyere – Vanity

Celebrated Ghanaian saxophonist Mizter Okyere connects Yaa Pono for a magical composition dubbed Vanity.

Highlife meets rap on a soothing live recording. Its been a long time Mizter Okyere’s voice was felt this much after many exploits in the world of saxophone. “Vanity” gives both strains of him and it is spectacular.

In a time of many shocking deaths, Vanity comes in handy to put listeners in check. Song quizzes on life, pride, and the certainty of carrying nothing out of the world into death.

The Soul Healer once again lives his mark of excellence with stimulating pen game, and Yaa Pono, oh my, his conscious thematic rap is everything you would want to hear.

Mizter Okyere doubles as the producer for this beautiful music piece.

Listen below:

Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Clinician, Blogger & Digital Marketer. Proud African reader and lover of nature. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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