Zylofon Media’s Willi Roi is Dead

Willi Roi

The Artiste and Repertoire for Zylofon Media has been reported dead.

Nydjlive.com reports that the “Singer/Songwriter/ Multi-Instrumentalist is said to have died at his apartment in Accra early Sunday, February 10, 2019.

According to a close source, Willi Roi was found dead with blood oozing out of his mouth.

“He returned from a gig around 12am and moved in straight to his apartment. According to the security personnel, they had not seen him move out till evening and decided to go check on him only to find out he had passed on with blood oozing out of his mouth. We just brought the body to the police morgue”, our source said.”

Willi Roi aside his duties as A&R for Zylofon Media was the head of Zylofon Arts Club.

Rest in peace to Willi Roi from all of us.

Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Clinician, Blogger & Digital Marketer. Proud African reader and lover of nature. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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