Renowned Beat Maker Kaywa takes Apya’s Credit For a Song Prodcution

Producer, Kaywa have had his name come up in a controversial copyright subject in the past few days for allegedly taking credit for a song he never produced.

The song in this controversial saga is the recently released “Feelings” by Kurl Songx featuring Ebony and having the “Highly Spiritual” signature loudly embossed.
Information gathered suggest Kumasi’s fastest rising producer Apya built the instrumentation from scratch including voice recording sessions but Kaywa only mixed and mastered the song which by copyright policies don’t make him a rightful owner of this intellectual property.

Is it a case of Accra outsmarting Kumasi or simple act of greediness?

See some captured social media post concerning this development.

Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Clinician, Blogger & Digital Marketer. Proud African reader and lover of nature. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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