Flowking Stone to Kick-start Annual Concert “Oseikrom ShutDown”

One of the finest rappers rising the Oseikrom banner so high, Flowking Stone has hinted of changing the face of entertainment in the city with an annual event.
All over Ghana, known cities with resident artiste have challenged themselves in doing something remarkable with their music, giving rising talents a spot to shine and at it best entertaining their core fanbase. It is believed that has ignited the passion in Flowking Stone to follow suit.
The first of it kind for the year is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 23rd December, 2017 at the Kumasi City Mall.
Kumasi has recently witnessed massive event turn out, noticeable among them is YFM Area Codes Jam and Exclusive Coded Party at Vienna City. 

          Read below a tweet by Flowking Stone making this announcement.

Had to start this annual Flowking Stone concerts from ma own city Oseikrom #23rdDec #KumasiMall #FlowkingStoneOseikromShutDown #KumasiGoJam pic.twitter.com/KZI4Mx3aXq

— Flowking Stone (@FlowkingStone) November 7, 2017

Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Clinician, Blogger & Digital Marketer. Proud African reader and lover of nature. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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